Weekly Announcements

In case you missed it...

The Caring Place Coat Drive

As followers of Christ, we’re called to care for those in need. By providing coats, we meet a practical need while sharing His love and hope in a tangible way. This coat drive is in partnership with The Caring Place, a local ministry we partner with in serving our community.

You can donate new or gently used coats anytime until December 31 by dropping them in the box near the sanctuary doors. Together, let’s help bring comfort and dignity to those in need this winter.

Join a Serve Team

Volunteers are a vital part of our church community - which means you’re both wanted AND needed! Would you consider signing up to serve? We want to prepare the way so that others can experience Jesus. Have questions? Send us a message: info@thechapelcleveland.com

Join a Small Group

We want to be a church made up of small groups because we were made to do life together. Small groups are great for fun, food, and friendship, but they are also a vital part of ministry in the midst of life’s hardships and celebrations as well as one of the best places for our mission of "rescipleship" (discipleship within the context of relationship!)
If you are not a part of a small group, view open groups by grabbing a card in the lobby or visiting our small groups page below: