Upcoming Events

Communion on 3rd Sundays

As a part of the body of Christ, we get the privilege of remembering the broken body and shed blood of Jesus Christ on our behalf until He returns through the taking of communion together each 3rd Sunday during our services. We'll have wafers (gluten free) and cups of grape juice for you to take during prayer time. *If you are not able to make it in person and will be watching online, we hope you will participate with us in taking communion by grabbing some bread or crackers and juice at home and joining us there.

The Marriage Course

Whether you've been married six months or forty years, thriving or struggling, a strong marriage takes intentionality and investment. The Marriage Course offers a unique, grace-filled opportunity for couples to connect, communicate, and grow together. Over 7 date-like evenings in a comfortable host home, you’ll share a meal and watch video content alongside other couples, but all conversations will be just between you and your spouse in a private and relaxed setting.